10 Travel Podcasts That Will Give You Serious Wanderlust


In recent years podcasts has exploded in popularity, especially in travel. You can have many questions about how to make your travel well, how to create unique travel stories and in that time Travel Podcasts is the best option and Podcasts will help you to increase your wanderlust as well. Read over the given list to find the best travel podcasts and get you in serious wanderlust.

The Thought Card

It was Host by Danielle Desir and it is mainly focused on world travel, building wealth, and paying off debt. She offers a lot her audience which helps to make them accomplish both their financial goal and travel.

Carry On Podcast

This podcast is hosted by Tracey Davies and Rose Dykins who are all travel writers and it is a fairly new podcast. Weekly once, the hosts have a light conversation about the places that they are and share travel tips and inspiration for future travels.


This is known as Budget-Minded Traveler and in this podcast, the host provides more valuable information that will allow you to get inspire and let see the world through travel and adventure.

Zero To Travel

This podcast will give you an answer to what exactly travel is and why you can do it and how to make it better. The host throws a few tips on travel methods and you will get a human experience and an inspiring mix of wanderlust.


Ryan and Amanda have a passion for travel and finding happiness in all corners of the world. Through this podcast, they share their amazing experiences on their traveling and how travel has positively changed their mood, and what it means to be truly happy.


Join Larry Brouhard and Joyce Olson to share humorous encounters, harrowing adventure, and thrilling discovery. Their travel storybook teaches you how to avoid disaster overseas.


This podcast has a collection of conversations and interviews with expert retirees and location-independent travelers who living their dream in the world’s most affordable places to live.

Extra Pack of Peanuts

This is the best podcast for travelers who want to stay on a budget on road. The host Travis shares interviews nomads, bloggers, and entrepreneurs who give tips on how to make your own affordable adventures.

On She Goes

This wonderful podcast helps women how to become more confident travelers and giving them the tool to see the world differently. The interviewees share fresh perspectives on their travel experiences and challenges.

Wild Ideas Worth Living

Shelby who is a Host and journalist shares the interviews about people who made their wild ideas to reality, people who have climbed the tallest mountains and written best-selling books. Especially interview with Alex Honnold who is the most recognized climber in the world is best in this podcast.

Final Lines,

Now, you have the list of the best travel podcasts. Don’t waste your time, just go ahead and start downloading them and feel your wanderlust in travel.