What to Look for When Choosing a Headstone


Here, we’ll walk you through the process of choosing a headstone for a deceased loved one’s grave. After the death of a loved one, choosing a headstone is an important part of the healing process.

 Headstones can be purchased more easily if you know the cemetery’s rules, budget, materials, and design, and choose a reliable source.

This guide will walk you through each stage and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Select a Headstone

In order to choose a headstone, here are the steps you need to follow:

Find Out Headstone Regulations From The Memorial Park Or Cemetery

Depending on the cemetery, headstones can be made of different materials and in different sizes. To find out what kind of headstone you must use, ask the cemetery manager.

Cemeteries may prohibit huge headstones or demand specified materials to match existing headstones in order to maintain a uniform appearance. 

Inquire About Cemetery Installation Services

Headstone placement services may be available at the cemetery. If they do, inquire about the cost of installation. Headstones from outside sources aren’t allowed in some cemeteries, according to their rules. In this scenario, request a copy of the cemetery’s rules and regulations.

You can hire a local headstone installer if the cemetery doesn’t offer these services. Find out if anyone in your circle of friends and relatives has any recommendations for a local monument installer. Use the internet to find a local monument installation if they don’t know anyone.

The Department of Veterans Affairs will give a free grave marker for your loved one if he or she is a qualified veteran. If you’re interested in having a headstone installed, contact the VA.

Plan Out Your Spending

The cost of a gravestone is not cheap. Before visiting a monument provider, decide on a spending limit. Headstones can range in price from as little as $1,500 to as much as $2,000 or more. Check to see if the dead had included a provision in his pre-paid funeral plan for the cost of a gravestone.

Become Familiar With The Form And Materials Of Headstones

To gain an impression of the size, form, design, and materials of headstones, walk through cemeteries. You might obtain a better idea of what kind of headstone you need by searching the internet. In order to demonstrate your intentions to the cemetery and monument dealer, take pictures or print off images from the internet.

Choose What Kind Of Headstone You Require

Headstones can be upright, flat, raised-top flat, or kerbed. Depending on the requirements of the cemetery and your budget, choose the sort of gravestone you want to acquire from the headstone supplier.

Find Inscriptions To Use

Choose an epitaph and font size based on the headstone’s dimensions. The entire Bible verse you wish to engrave will not fit on a small tombstone. Headstone fonts should also be taken into consideration while designing an epitaph and other personal details about the deceased, such as the deceased’s name and birth date and death date.

A religious icon, flowers, animals, or even a picture of your deceased loved one can be placed on the headstone. You should use these photos and icons to honour your loved one’s uniqueness in terms of religion, ethnicity, and achievements.

 Check out our other articles on funeral planning.